Thursday, March 8, 2007


I do not know if you could say that I have any skills at what we learned in class, but I am sure if I kept trying I will get better. The cool thing that I do realize now is how hard people work to make photo shop images and videos. I also can looked at a docked image and kind of know what they did to make it look the way that it does. I again will be a trainer so I am sure I will use the skills that I have acquired in this class. It was a lot of fun.

Professional Video

I can see video being used for education, promotion, or fun. I personally like doing video clips on my phone all of the time for fun. My friends and I like to send stupid stuff back and forth to one another just to get a good laugh. On a serious note I can see video being used to assist in an educational setting since it incorporates another way to learn into the lesson. Companies use videos for training their employees on a daily basis because they are low cost and are very effective. Many other videos are used to promote stuff, otherwise known as a commercial and we know how effective those are since you can't watch a TV show with out seeing five to twelve commercials. I am going to be a trainer so I know that I will be using them and maybe making them all of the time.

Video 2

Cindy, Chevon and myself are doing the second video together. Chevon came up with the first idea which was to incorporate one of her step shows into it. Cindy and I were lacking ideas so this is what we picked. We needed other scenes so we made one of myself with a video camera to put in and we also got a little trailer off of another computer to open the whole thing. We then used movie maker to tie all the parts together. We went back after the first cut and added a little music to my spectacular performance just to give it that extra touch of excellence. I am going to use the video to get acting jobs over the summer, but only if they have a better teleprompter.

Video Partners

For the first video I choose to work with Cindy since we have about every class together and a schedule where we can meet before or after classes. We really were unsure for a long time of what we would do, but we eventually came up with chocolate chip cookies. I guess they just sound good. Cindy did most of the key work on this one I just tried to make things be as funny as possible.(typical me) We kind of threw it together, but it came out really good the first time. If it's not broke don't fix it theory was then applied.

Page Layout

I think that it is very important to be sure that the fonts be clearly legible. This could mean that the color, size, or font type may need to be adjusted depending on what you are trying to accomplish. For example you should use suttle background colors with text that is also suttle in color, but from the opposite spectrum so that it sticks out. The other thing that you should do is put items in logical places. This could be a chronological order or just put stuff where people expect to find it. Basically I think it just comes down to common sense, if you can't read neither can anyone else and if you think your being creative by hiding a hyperlink you probably are making it so no one will ever know that it is there.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

News Letters

In my current company we release a news letter every month to give updates and recognition in my region. My company is very big so it gives a chance to read about things that affect us closer to home and about people we might actually know. I can see myself using these in a later job for the exact same thing kind of like what Cindy said in her Blog.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Professional Image Changing

I am not really sure if I will ever use photoshop in my career. I am planning on being a corporate trainer for a large company. If these companies operate like my current company I will be given all of the materials that I am to use in class. If anything it would be just for fun, you know like put your bosses head on a donkey and throw darts at it in your office. That is if your boss has a sense of humor and doesn't take personally. It would be ok though if I did have to use it, it would be better than writing reports.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Photoshop has been very hard for me to get used to so far. I am currently sticking to the basics and have trouble even with those. I am not a very creative person when it comes to images and art type stuff. I am finding that it helps to have a sense of humor to help you guide you in coming up with new ideas for your pictures. I have better pictures it seems when I try to make them funny in nature. I hope in class we will learn some more small effects to make our images look even more realistic.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


My name is Eric and I am a senior in the coporate training program at The Ohio State University. I am currently an employee for T-Mobile and am hoping to continue with the company after graduation as a trainer. I enjoy all sports especially anything Ohio State, but I also like racing, the Cavs, and the Bengals. I also like technology, but not so much the computer side of things, I think that gadgets that improve everyday tasks that you may do at home or at work are really interesting.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

On January 8th 2007 The Ohio State university will take on The University of Florida in the BCS National Championship game. This will be the second time since I have been a student here at Ohio State that we have had this chance.